Mark your calendars! More details to come. 🙂
Do you feel safe and secure? What makes you feel that way or not feel that way? Is it the amount of money in your savings account, or your home security system? How about the number of Instagram followers you have, or your relationship status? There is a difference between safety and security. The psalmist writes in Psalm 139:5 that, “You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me.” The phrase “hemmed in” comes from the Hebrew word tsuwr, which is used to describe a military siege or fortification. In this context, it’s meant to suggest guarding something very valuable. This picture speaks to the Lord’s protection of His people. Maybe you have not always felt protected or valuable. Maybe you need a reminder of how God really feels about you. God has Biblical Truths in which to secure you. God created you with intention and with love. Because He specifically created you, you are valuable to Him. He is always with you. There is nowhere that you will go that He is not with you. Come and journey with us as we discover what it means to be Hemmed In at the New Crossing Church’s women’s retreat. Enjoy a weekend away from distractions where you can spend time with God and others. We will worship, laugh and learn together! There is a deep, eternal security that God has for you…will you join us to find out more?