What to Expect

What to Expect

sanctuary on a sunday. people sitting in pews. Pastor talking with his arms up in the air.
Pastor Craig smiling

Our Sunday morning teaching and messages come straight from the Bible and connect to the everyday reality of our lives. The worship is contemporary and heartfelt. God cares more about what is going on inside you than how you look on the outside so please dress however you feel comfortable.

We have coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and water available at the back of the church. Feel free to bring it with you to your seat.

We welcome children. We have a nursery for ages 0 to 3. Children ages 4 through 5th grade worship with their parents during the first part of the service and leave during the sermon for their own age-appropriate and creative time of learning.

We want everyone to have a chance to connect with other people, so come early or stay late to enjoy new and growing friendships. If you have questions, someone from our hospitality team can help you out when you arrive.