Bridging the Gap Life Group
Sunday, April 30
Sunday, May 21
12-1:30 pm – this life group is for middle schoolers & up
As Christians, we are called to speak truth into ethical issues and courageously stand up for what’s morally right according to our
beliefs. But in order to engage others in these discussions with grace and kindness, first we need to arm ourselves with knowledge and understanding of each of these topics.
Developed by expert healthcare professionals, this new small
group study is designed to ask difficult, thought-provoking questions as we seek the truth found in God’s Word about the ethical issues facing Christians today.
Please join us after church, on:
- April 30th for lunch and an overview and intro to the study with Dr. Lindberg – please bring $5 to contribute to pizza
- May 21st for lunch and the topic of Beginning of Life.
Here is a link to the curriculum for Bridging the Gap.