About Us

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We are looking for a full time associate pastor to join the team!

NCC Pastoral Application

Our Vision

“We want to become followers of Christ who experience a full life through a growing love for God, meaningful relationships with each other, and blessing others through service.” Love God We start loving God by learning to respond to God’s love for us.  We come to Sunday morning services, where we worship together, we hear stories of how God is impacting people’s lives, we pray together and we hear a message to help us know God better through his Word,…

Our Values

These values express the vision of NCC “Love God, Love One Another, and Go Bless Others”.  The flow of these Values is intentionally prioritized.  We first value knowing God because He is the reason for everything.  Because we know Him, we are able to function in Grace as we love one another in healthy and meaningful relationships that produce spiritual growth.  We Know God and live in Grace SO THAT we bear fruit in His service.  Growing in the knowledge…

What We Believe

Our Essential Beliefs* God We believe there is only one God who created, rules, and maintains everything in the universe.  God is perfect without any faults.  It is completely amazing that even though he is one God, within him there have always existed three Persons who we know as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  We can’t help but worship and live our lives for this God who wants a personal relationship with us! Jesus Christ Jesus Christ is the Son…