“And I sought for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the breach before me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none.” (Ezekiel 22:30)
There is a clarion call ringing out across God’s kingdom, challenging men to purposely step into their identities. Men are designed to live a life of adventure, as we boldly proclaim the good news of a risen Savior, who has defeated sin and death. Our ministry is all about strengthening, equipping, and affirming men into their God-given identities. Through fellowship, friendship, and one-on-one ministry, we meet with men wherever they are at in life, and help move them forward.
We’ve experienced, that men who have grown in their love for God have an increased capacity for loving one another. Because of this “sonship” identity with God the Father, a bond of unity is developed between brothers. This is where warriors come to life; men that will stand in the breach, on behalf of a fallen world.
Our team invites you to get a running start, as you cannonball into the deep waters of your faith.