My position as Outreach coordinator began in 2023. For me outreach started during my career as a Radiation Therapist, drawing on compassion as I worked with cancer patients. God next shaped me by being part of Women’s ministry. Building relationships, mentoring and disciplining other women added another layer of experience for me.
From there God placed me in an outreach organization whose mission was to “Share the Love of Christ with the Community.” He expanded my comfort zone and gave me a new boldness. I learned how to love on others and humbly count them more significant than myself. Micah 6:8 tells us to “do justice, love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God.” I want to encourage others to connect their faith with actions by simply being available. Look for opportunities to show others compassion to those in need.
I live with my husband Scott in Windsor, I enjoy reading, knitting and gardening.