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May 2025

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youth jumping

Youth Group

Mark your calendars for youth group – every other Sunday after church, noon to 1:30.  There will be games, prayer and share, and teaching! 🙂 Lunch will be provided. Here are the dates: January 5, 19February 2, 16March 2, 16April 6, 27May 18

Men’s Breakfast

Attention men!  Please join Jerry and the elders for a monthly men’s breakfast at New Crossing Church.  There will be food, fellowship and faith conversations and testimonies that will encourage you in your own walk with Jesus.  Please invite a friend to join in!1st Saturday of the month, startingFebruary 1, 8 am 

Double Portion Workshop

Please contact Sarah if you are interested! Testimonies “Last winter a friend was telling me about a workshop that was going to be held called Double Portion. For anyone who doesn’t know – it’s a workshop for women who had been sexually assaulted or abused. My initial thought was “that’s amazing that they’re doing that, but I don’t think my assaults have affected me that much…” The second time she brought it up to me a while later I had…

Youth Group

Mark your calendars for youth group – every other Sunday after church, noon to 1:30.  There will be games, prayer and share, and teaching! 🙂 Lunch will be provided. Here are the dates: January 5, 19February 2, 16March 2, 16April 6, 27May 18

Community Groups

Hosted by the Stewarts and the Robertsons, 6-7:30 pm Includes a potluck meal, sharing our stories, and prayer.  Hosts will send an email each time with details. Feb 12 & 26, Mar 12 & 26, Apr 9, May 7

Community Groups

Hosted by the Harrisons and the Ottens, 6-7:30 pm Includes a potluck meal, sharing our stories, and prayer. Hosts will send an email each time with details. Feb 13 & 27, Mar 13 & 27, Apr 10, May 8
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Annual Women’s Retreat

Mark your calendars! More details to come. 🙂 Do you feel safe and secure? What makes you feel that way or not feel that way?  Is it the amount of money in your savings account, or your home security system?  How about the number of Instagram followers you have, or your relationship status?  There is a difference between safety and security.  The psalmist writes in Psalm 139:5 that, “You hem  me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon…