

Check back often to see our latest events!



Community Groups

Hosted by the Stewarts and the Robertsons, 6-7:30 pm Includes a potluck meal, sharing our stories, and prayer.  Hosts will send an email each time with details. Feb 12 & 26, Mar 12 & 26, Apr 9, May 7

Community Groups

Hosted by the Harrisons and the Ottens, 6-7:30 pm Includes a potluck meal, sharing our stories, and prayer. Hosts will send an email each time with details. Feb 13 & 27, Mar 13 & 27, Apr 10, May 8

Men’s Breakfast

Attention men!  Please join Jerry and the elders for a monthly men’s breakfast at New Crossing Church.  There will be food, fellowship and faith conversations and testimonies that will encourage you in your own walk with Jesus.  Please invite a friend to join in!1st Saturday of the month, startingFebruary 1, 8 am