Craig Robertson
A Scenic View of a Crag by Craig Robertson My parents aptly named me Craig. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I learned that Craig is a derivation from the Celtic word “Crag” which means “steep and rugged rock.” Not rugged as in handsome (I wish) but jagged and rough. Did you ever notice how God used people’s names in the Bible to characterize the person they would become? I think it’s one of God’s little jokes or…
Gill Robertson
I believe the Bible gives us the foundation of our relationship with God. He speaks in other ways too, but I personally have a passion to for people to experience the beauty of the Bible’s truth.
Rick Ottens
God has given me a love and compassion for people. Meeting in small groups helps people connect and life change with God and each other happens in community.
Scott Hazard
Worship is the act of giving God His rightful place in our lives. As Worship Ministry Coordinator, it is my desire to coordinate the sub-ministries of Music, Media/AV, and Sound together to enhance the corporate worship experience and help encourage a life of worship beyond the walls of New Crossing Church. As we worship together, I trust that God will open our hearts to His Word and give us the will and wisdom to apply it to our lives every day.
Jerry Disch
New Crossing Church is a praying church and I am privileged to be a part of this vital ministry. Prayer is the calling of the church. Jesus said: “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations’”. God desires to partner with His people in the ministry of prayer to accomplish His will on earth as it is in heaven. “prayer strikes the winning blow; service is simply picking up the pieces” S.D.Gordon “The man who…

Aaron Harrison
Sarah Newby
FREEDOM!!!!!! I am extremely passionate about women living their lives in freedom (Galatians 5:1). Having lived most of my life covered in shame and deception, I have experienced true and lasting freedom because of Christ. My greatest joy is seeing others experience this same freedom, too!
Karen Stewart
I love being a part of the worship ministry at NCC! Never would I have imagined that I’d be leading worship. In fact, when I was in high school I refused to sing because I didn’t believe I could. Yet the Lord knew otherwise, and through a series of many little steps over many years, He has brought me to where I am today. I’m grateful to the leadership of NCC for seeing a gift in me that I didn’t…
Josh C
Josh is passionate about seeing the nations come to love and obey Jesus. He currently heads up the Nations team at NCC where he helps the church understand God’s heart for the nations, create opportunities to engage the nations, and supports our missionaries in various ways. As a former overseas worker to Indonesia, Thailand, Bangladesh and other places, he has a lot of experience “on the field” and serves our various missionary families and ministries with a grateful and understanding…
Julie Girard
My position as Outreach coordinator began in 2023. For me outreach started during my career as a Radiation Therapist, drawing on compassion as I worked with cancer patients. God next shaped me by being part of Women’s ministry. Building relationships, mentoring and disciplining other women added another layer of experience for me.From there God placed me in an outreach organization whose mission was to “Share the Love of Christ with the Community.” He expanded my comfort zone and gave me…
Jeanmarie Disch
My name is Jeanmarie. I have been married for 18 years and have 2 boysages 12 and 16. I have been a classroom teacher on and off for a betterpart of 20 years in various capacities and grade levels. I haveapproximately 16 years of experience teaching in India, Indonesia and herein the states. I am excited to serve here at NCC ministering to the children.
Lisa Hazard
Matthew 10:40 “Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me.” I love welcoming people into my home! I love to cook and make my home an inviting place. You could say it is one of my love languages. I also love welcoming people into the Father’s house. It’s the little touches that make a house a home. A smile, a warm cup of coffee, and an introduction to another brother…