Lisa Hazard

Matthew 10:40  “Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me.”

I love welcoming people into my home!  I love to cook and make my home an inviting place. You could say it is one of my love languages.   I also love welcoming people into the Father’s house.  

It’s the little touches that make a house a home.  A smile, a warm cup of coffee, and an introduction to another brother or sister from the church family.  As we welcome guests into the Father’s house, the Hospitality team (and all the NCC family for that matter) has the opportunity to make an important “first impression” and set the tone physically and spiritually to create a loving, accepting, and welcoming atmosphere.  

What a privilege we have to be ambassadors for our Lord.  What a great instructor we have to train us in our ministry – Jesus himself!  Romans 15:7 (ESV) Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” 

Phil Graham
Prayer Ministry Leader
Jerry Disch